Welcome to Splendors' Palace Chat Page.

Under Construction: Watch for falling Gifs. Please, forgive the sawdust on the floor.

If you're here by accident, please, download the Palace Chat client installer; then, join us, on our Palace chat server, Splendors of Nature.

Go using the Palace Client Software

Just click the link, to connect, using the Palace Chat Client.
The addy is splendors.fshosting.com Port: 9998

For a directory of other Palace chat servers, visit PalaceTools.com.

Visit PalaceTools.com

For a directory of adult Palace chat servers, visit Adult Gold Communities.

Visit Adult Gold Communities

Don't forget to get your Registration code, so you can use all the Palace features.

We are looking for a few good palacers.

Click here to fill out a Wizard Application.

Feel good about the Palace? Think you're ready to build one of your own?

Click here to download Your own Palace Chat server installer.

If you need help, or have any questions, E-mail me, or contact me via ICQ.
My ICQ# is 9128428